Besides private equity investments for its own account, Sequoia also manages investments for institutional and private investors. Sequoia generally tends to be a major investor in its own right of any of the investment funds it manages for other institutional or private investors.
Sequoia currently acts as general partner and investment manager of:
Catalyst Microfinance Investors
Sequoia is the general partner and investment manager of Catalyst Microfinance Investors (CMI), a US$ 125 million investment fund, dedicated to the investment in equity securities of microfinance institutions in Asia and Africa. CMI’s major investment is its minority shareholding in ASA International, one of the world’s largest international microfinance institutions serving more than 2.5 million female micro-entrepreneurs in 13 countries across Asia and Africa. Other major investors in CMI included, amongst others, APG (the Dutch Civil Servants Pension Fund), TIAA-CREF (the US Teacher’s Pension Fund), CDC (the British Government owned development company), as well as a number of other major microfinance oriented investment funds and private investors.
Sequoia is regularly evaluating new investment management opportunities that build on its strength and expertise in certain sectors and markets.